New York, April 25th – The Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, gave an oral presentation of our 9th annual report to the UN General Assembly. The presentation updated on the progress of the IIIM’s work and achievements as a justice facilitator over the past year.
During the presentation, Ms. Marchi-Uhel, highlighted the tangible contributions the IIIM had made to promote inclusive justice referencing recent cases where our assistance supported the work of national jurisdictions.
We express gratitude to Member States for their ongoing support and also to Syrian Civil Society, particularly victim/survivor association, for their continued engagement, which is invaluable to the development of the IIIM’s work.
We invite you to watch the oral report and hear Member States’ remarks in the link below.
You can read Ms. Marchi-Uhel’s full remarks as delivered here.
#IIIMSyria #GeneralAssembly #Accountability
General Assembly: 67th plenary meeting, 77th session | UN Web TV