
The IIIM engages on a regular basis with various States to explore their willingness to provide the IIIM with access to relevant information and evidence in their possession or on their territory. As part of this, the IIIM discusses with States whether their national laws and procedures enable the full cooperation with the IIIM, both proactively and at the IIIM’s request, as well as the scope for the criminal justice actors within States to use files and materials prepared by the IIIM. Where necessary, the IIIM works with States towards the adoption of legal frameworks to permit this cooperation.

The IIIM is also in direct contact with various States’ war crimes units to gather their views on how the IIIM can best assist their efforts in prosecuting those responsible for international crimes in Syria.

The IIIM proactively explores with States their capacity to provide witness protection and support services in connection with its work.