Detention Report
IIIM’s report “Syrian Government Detention System as a Tool of Violent Repression” analyses the widespread and systematic commission of torture, ill treatment and related violations across more than 100 Government Detention facilities in Syria
IIIM Syria report on 2023 results
The IIIM report on 2023 results provides an overview of some of the important achievements of the Mechanism during the past year, against the objectives set out in our 2023-25 Strategic Plan
Evaluation of the integration of a gender analysis into workflows of the IIIM’s core activities
Between September and December 2022 an external evaluation consultant, Inmaculada Barcia, was granted access by the IIIM for the purpose of conducting an evaluation on the integration of a gender analysis into the core activities of the IIIM. On 11 January 2023, Ms. Barcia, submitted the Final Evaluation Report and the Management Response was finalized by the IIIM Leadership Team on 27 March 2023.
In consideration of the confidentiality of the IIIM’s work and work processes described throughout the Final Evaluation Report, the Head of the IIIM deemed the information in the report to be confidential. As a result, not all aspects of the report are available for publication.