Following a panel discussion, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, IIIM Head, was interviewed on the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) podcast, ‘The Event Extra’. She discussed the lessons learnt and progress made since the IIIM was established as well as the challenges facing those seeking justice and accountability. Ms. Marchi-Uhel also shared the importance of two-way engagement with Syrian civil society and the critical role that relationship plays in the work IIIM conducts to facilitate justice processes.
Listen to the podcast discussion here:
The Head of the IIIM spoke at a conference convened by France’s Cour de Cassation

On Monday 24 October, the Head of the IIIM spoke at a conference in Paris convened by France’s Cour de Cassation. The event, marking 20 years since the Rome Statute entered into force, included a session on ‘Building a common international criminal justice culture’ where Ms. Marchi-Uhel spoke on the digital and technological innovations that were being developed at the IIIM to support the investigation and evidence management serious crimes.
You can follow the session here in French:
Delivering Justice for Syria: Assessing the Progress of the IIIM

On Monday, 17 October, the Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, participated in an event at the US Institute for Peace (USIP) in Washington. The panel discussion focused on the progress the IIIM has made so far, it’s engagement with civil society documentation efforts and how it supports investigations and prosecutions. Other topics included the UN Secretary’s report recommending the creation of a new body dedicated to determining the fate of missing people in the Syrian Arab Republic.
The other panellists included:
- Mohammad Al Abdallah, Founding Director, Syria Justice and Accountability Center;
- Beth Van Schaack, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, U.S. Department of State;
- Mona Yacoubian, Senior Advisor, Executive Office and Middle East and North Africa Center, U.S. Institute of Peace
View the video here.
France’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador M. Jérôme Bonnafont, meets with the head of the IIIM Catherine Marchi-Uhel

Monday, October 3, Geneva – France’s permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador M. Jérôme Bonnafont, met with the head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel for the submission of the instrument of approval of the convention between France and the IIIM. This paves the way for enhanced judicial cooperation to judge, including in France, the most serious crimes committed in Syria.
Save the Children Panel on Advancing Justice for Children

Catherine Marchi-Uhel, the Head of the IIIM, participated in a Save the Children high level event on advancing justice for children. The panel discussed strengthening accountability for violations and crimes affecting children in conflict. Ms. Marchi-Uhel also updated on the IIIM’s development of a Children and Youth Strategy. Watch the discussion here:
The Head of the IIIM speaks about the contribution of Syrian Civil Society and victim/survivor groups to justice and accountability.

During an interview on the Justice Visions podcast, the Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel spoke of the critical contribution Syrian civil society organisations, including victim/survivor groups and family associations, made in advancing justice and accountability.
Podcast link here
The Head of the IIIM participates in a virtual panel as part of the Free Yezidi Foundation’s eight-year commemoration of the Yezidi Genocide

August 3, 2022 – The Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, participated in a virtual panel on Justice and Accountability organised by the Free Yezidi Foundation for the eight year commemoration of the Yezidi Genocide. During her remarks, Ms. Marchi-Uhel shared how specific areas of the IIIM’s work and products, in relation to the core international crimes committed by ISIL in Syria, included those committed against members of the Yezidi community.
Watch the discussion here from 1:16:10 to 2:44:08
Deputy Head speaks at launch of the Anchoring Accountability for Mass Atrocities report – IIIM

IIIM Deputy Head Michelle Jarvis took part in the launch of the Anchoring Accountability for Mass Atrocities report, released by the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC).
The report attempts to better understand the challenges arising for UN accountability mandates and how they can be best supported moving forward. It looks in particular at the consecutive establishment and high performance of three independent UN investigative mechanisms (IIIM, IIMM and UNITAD).
In her intervention, Ms. Jarvis looked into the case for structural reform in the accountability landscape, especially vis-à-vis mainstreaming a VSCA into the work of accountability mechanisms, and the need for a centred but nimble information architecture accompanying it.
Ms. Jarvis’ intervention starts here:
Head of IIIM’s remarks at the Brussels VI Conference

In the course of the Brussels VI Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region (9-10 May 2022), Head of IIIM Catherine Marchi-Uhel delivered a speech delineating the support provided by IIIM to justice actors.
The text of the speech can be accessed through this link.
The video of the speech can be accessed through this link.
Head of IIIM’s speech at the Brussels VI side event

In the course of the side event “Moving Forward on Truth and Justice: Addressing the crisis of missing persons and detention in Syria”, Head of IIIM Catherine Marchi-Uhel delivered a speech on the intersection between criminal accountability and the search for missing persons.
The side event was held on May 6th, 2022, on the margins of the Brussels VI Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region.
The text of the speech can be accessed through this link.