Gathering evidence for future trials: the IIIM – Syria

As part of the joint Wayamo – AGJA conference, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, IIIM Head, joined a panel discussion to address the recent geopolitical, legal, and international changes occurring in the field of transitional justice, along with the challenges faced in evidence collection of mass atrocities, and the prosecution of international crimes. The panel included Nema Milaninia, Special Advisor to the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice, Tabitha Ouya, Head of the Civil Rights Division, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kenya, as well as high-level African experts on international criminal law and human rights, among others.

Later, and in conversation with Mark Kersten from the Wayamo Foundation, Catherine gave an insight into the establishment and work of the IIIM in supporting current justice processes and preparing for those that may emerge in the future.

Lectures: Chinkin and Jarvis on “Combating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence”

On May 12, 2023, Michelle Jarvis, the IIIM Deputy Head and Christine Chinkin from the London School of Economics delivered public keynote lectures in Berlin as part of a closed workshop on “Combating Conflict-Related Sexual Violence – Comparative Insights on International and National Capacities.” 

Read Ms. Jarvis speech as delivered here.

For her lecture, Ms. Jarvis drew on her extensive experience bringing visibility to the experiences of marginalized groups during accountability processes and strengthening legal responses. Ms. Jarvis initiated the IIIM’s proactive thematic strategies on a victim/survivor centred approach and the first of these to be publicly launched was the Gender Strategy and Implementation Plan. Ms. Jarvis has also co-authored two books and numerous articles on the subject of gender and armed conflict and was formerly the inaugural coordinator of the Prosecuting Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Network, set up within the International Association of Prosecutors.

IIIM Head Highlights Essential Need for Predictable Financing

Briefing the General Assembly today, the Head of the Mechanism established to advance justice in Syria reported on that body’s continuing efforts over the past year, detailing its work with jurisdictions and investigations, but noting in light of increasing demand for its services that predictable financing through the regular budget and voluntary contributions by Member States are essential for it to continue serving the interests of victims, survivors and their families.

Briefing General Assembly on Judicial Activities, International Mechanism Head Stresses Predictable Financing Needed in Bringing Justice to Syria’s Victims | UN Press

IIIM’s 9th annual report presented to the UN General Assembly

New York, April 25th – The Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, gave an oral presentation of our 9th annual report to the UN General Assembly. The presentation updated on the progress of the IIIM’s work and achievements as a justice facilitator over the past year.
During the presentation, Ms. Marchi-Uhel, highlighted the tangible contributions the IIIM had made to promote inclusive justice referencing recent cases where our assistance supported the work of national jurisdictions.
We express gratitude to Member States for their ongoing support and also to Syrian Civil Society, particularly victim/survivor association, for their continued engagement, which is invaluable to the development of the IIIM’s work.
We invite you to watch the oral report and hear Member States’ remarks in the link below.

You can read Ms. Marchi-Uhel’s full remarks as delivered here.

#IIIMSyria #GeneralAssembly #Accountability

General Assembly: 67th plenary meeting, 77th session | UN Web TV

Message of Condolence from the IIIM

Following the devastation caused by the earthquake in Southern Türkiye and Northern Syria the IIIM issued a message of condolence and solidarity. The IIIM extends its sincerest condolences to the families who have lost loved ones and our heartfelt sympathies to those who have been injured or suffered as a result of the recent earthquake in Türkiye and Syria. The loss of life and the destruction caused by this disaster are staggering.
The IIIM is in close communication with its civil society networks on the ground to better understand the situation. The Head of the IIIM, Catherine Marchi-Uhel, has joined the UN Secretary-General’s call for the international community to offer urgent humanitarian aid and assistance.
The suffering caused by this disaster adds to the many challenges and difficulties faced by those impacted and the IIIM team stands in solidarity with the affected communities and reiterate our commitment to amplifying their voices where we can.